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Truth (authentic) is beauty. Beauty leads to care. Care develops sustainability. Sustainability develops community.


Stay with what’s authentic for region and climate.

Stay to a reasonable, human scale both vertically and horizontally.

Integrate with the natural environment.

Build to last.


Take great car to ensure that each element of the building is as beautiful as possible and applies each step of the process.

Beauty Applications


The creation of beautiful public spaces is essential to the success of a place. If properly designed, the occupant immediately feels a sense of security and comfort and is much more likely to engage the space on a regular basis. The image above shows how a public plaza with a fountain has been turned into an outdoor seating area for a nearby restaurant in the evenings. The fountain is designed to create a nice seating area even when the tables aren’t present allowing room for pedestrians and automobiles as well.


A public street can be an amenity to a place simply by the incorporation of proper design techniques. Value can be added to the community overall as well as to the properties fronting the street. It is necessary to establish a meaningful street network and then fine tune the individual streets to give different areas different characteristics and beauty. The street above has a minimal sidewalk and no on-street parking, however it is a narrow road with a termination point nearby which naturally calms traffic without the use of speed bumps or unnecessary signage. Even though the architecture is simple it creates a beautiful space and sets the tone for foreground buildings to receive greater hierarchy in plan and in form.


The importance of appropriate architecture is imperative to the quality of the built environment. By integrating local forms, materials, and building techniques, an authentic regional identify is established and a local character emerges.

3 E Perry St.

Savannah, GA 31401


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